Motorola W395 Review



Motorola released Motorola W395 in 2008.Motorola W395 comes with . This device comes with   TFT, 65K colors. This device has Single rear camera setup. Motorola W395 is packed with of unspecified chipset. At the time of writing this,the device has 5MB variants. A 850mAh Li-Ion battery powers the device. The device has sensor(s).

Motorola W395's specs highlights

Body 99 x 45 x 18.1 mm (3.90 x 1.77 x 0.71 in)
Display   TFT, 65K colors
Chipset unspecified chipset
Memory 5MB
Rear Camera 1.3 MP
Front Camera No
Video capture
Battery 850mAh Li-Ion
Sensor The device has sensor(s).


These are the specs and our opinion on Motorola W395. Hope you have got some insights on the performance and specs of the device. We'll suggest you to compare it with devices with similar budget,then pick one according to your requirements.